The people at Dalsup B.V. represent a great diversity of educational background and professional experience. We are proud to say that our people are inextricably linked to our success. They are talented, committed and share the same passion. Beyond any doubt they excel in their work.
To enrich our knowledge resources, we keep our people up to date through education and training. At Dalsup B.V. we encourage the personal development of our people. In addition, we expand our global network, continuously. In this way we remain aware of the latest business developments.
To serve our global market in the best possible way, we work with dedicated people who are highly skilled, customer focused and service-oriented. Our people are multidisciplinary and serve as your organization's single point of contact.
We distinguish the following geographical zones:
- NCSA (North, Central and South America)
- EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa)
- APJ (Asia, Pacific and Japan)